Work and relaxation are both vital and nourish each other, not true? In any case, even if relaxation is much less frequent than the working periods, it enriches our relationships and gives a renewed impetus to the work that follows: try it out!


Tuesday 17th: an evening presented by Arisa and Christina, with games prepared by Stella whom we thank from afar: interpersonal relationships having fun together are different from those working together …


And Saturday evening, it was something entirely different: the two towns “Île Blanche” and “Plestin les Grèves” celebrated 80 years being united together, thanks to a bridge built across the River Douron that separated them until then. The bridge was decorated with pink hydrangeas, and festivities on the opposite river bank. Several of us went over thanks to the bridge! We could hear the music of the Breton folk dances from our place. The day ended with a beautiful firework display.


Sunday, a surprise awaited us: the Council and the General Bursar had planned a scenic boat trip for us. After having our picnic, we “launched out into the deep” for the afternoon, accompanied by Pascal, the Breton driver who had driven us to Peiros Guirec. On the program: “tour and visit of the seven islands” a sanctuary for birds of several species: the guides gave us a detailed commentary on these species … the thousands of gannets, but also the cormorants, the gulls, and even seals, etc… You can see a few photos … We were also able to spend 3/4 hour walking on one of the Islands before getting back on the boat … making sure not to miss it, because on these deserted Islands, the next boat wasn’t until the following day. For 5 of us, it was a baptism not of the air, but of the sea … An excellent experience!


Some reactions on getting off the boat: “I was a little afraid when there were huge waves, because I understood that the sea can be dangerous, but it was a very interesting experience.” “It was very good to live this with the other Capitulants.” “I was amazed by the Island with the birds … I had never seen such a thing”. “The explanations on the way of life of these birds have touched me: the gannet couples are faithful to each other throughout their lives … they travel very far, but always come back to the same place each year and find the same nest … like us with our community and with the Lord.” “A beautiful experience of truly launching out into the deep!”


Another week begins, with a busy schedule. Do not forget to call upon the Holy Spirit in your prayers.


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