These pages are from the review “Marie-Auxiliatrice Echoes 2015” (pp. 30, 31) and I am happy to share these stories so that you can support the work of the Sisters by your prayer etc.

As all five of us here in Manila are foreign missionaries, we often call on the locals for their help. Help with the language and with local customs; and it is with great joy that we offer our help in return within the parish and the general area. chiledren_catechesis_3web-2.jpg
The people seem just as happy to help us as we are to help them. It is with grace and joy that we grow together in our shared richness. We give our support for the children’s education, not only financially thanks to our generous benefactors but also spiritually by working with the families and the children on their growth as human beings. Lots of children participate in the parish activities: in the choir, as altar servers, readers during Mass or in Bible sharing groups….

One of our scholarship students graduated from university. While she was still a student she was very active in the youth group and other church activities. After graduating, she got a job as a communications operator in a big company. She continued participating in parish activities as a Catechist for the Sunday School. Her father is unable to work much due to poor health so it was mainly her salary that the whole family relied on. Always smiling she kept everything going with great courage. She helped pay for her brothers’ and sisters’ education and thanks to her they have all graduated from university. Now they are working and contributing to the family finances. Angelica bought a house for her parents in the suburbs and married a young Catechist whom she met at the parish activities they both participated in. On her wedding day the bride and groom, their families and friends were filled with joy. We gave thanks to God and were filled with joy and grace watching them. It was like seeing a seed we had planted blossom and bear fruit.

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[/Sister M. Kinue Maura et Sister M. Therese Fukatani/]

[/Manila, Philippines/]