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We are happy to welcome you to the website of our Congregation. Here you will discover the gift God gave to the Church through Marie-Therese de Soubiran, our Foundress, a gift rooted in the Eucharist and in the spirituality of St. Ignatius.

You will find more details of our charism and how the sisters express it in their lives, as they respond to the call to be women of hope in a world in search of meaning.

Like every charism, it is a gift to be shared…with our Associate members and with all of God’s people, a gift we are happy to share with you.

Reflections of blessed Marie-Thérèse

Yes, my God, it is you who did everything. And for what is still to be done, I thank you as if it had already happened. (12.2.1881)

To hold myself before God is to lay bare my soul, my powers, all my being to the ardours of his love. (12.11.1879)

As a plant when exposed to the sun’s heat enters immediately into a relationship with it, so the soul before God enters straight away into a relationship of love with him. (12.11.1879)

The Lord deigned to take me back into his arms and to comfort me in his embrace, giving me new life. (Love and Mercy V)

My refuge and security are in the infinite, eternal,unchangeable love of my God, and so the Heart of Jesus Christ is my place of rest. (25.1.1880)

Love is learned by loving, living by faith is learned by holding oneself before God, regardless of all else. (11.1879)

Entrust your life to Me (11.05.1881)

God is my Sun…. If I dare to keep close to him, if I remain there quietly and without restlessness, he will purify, warm and heal me. (1868)

Always, always, always, I will believe in your love, in your infinite power, for myself and for those I love. (12.02.1881)

As a little hand is within a big one… so, in our Lord I shall have all the strength I need for sickness and for death itself. (14.9.1880)

What can I give you in return, Lord, unless it be yourself to yourself? And then, henceforth, I shall have confidence in you alone! (14.01.1881)

Insofar as I was able, I became poor with Jesus Christ poor. ( 1864)

You are goodness itself, love, and that for everyone. You exclude no-one; we all have access to you, no matter what our weaknesses. (6.1.1881)

’Entrust your life to me.’ It means counting on his love. It means relying wholly on all the tenderness of this infinite love. (11.5.1881)

Prayer is the only thing here below that is real and substantial, the only thing that does not founder and that gives support in the extreme distress of life. (1875)

Who could resist the gentleness and strength of God’s voice? I said yes and my soul was filled with strength and vigour. (Love and Mercy VIII)

O wealth of the present moment, how infinite you are for in you I find my God! (1878)

Without your grace we can do nothing, but with it all is possible, and humble prayer will obtain it from y

His divine goodness entreated my heart to follow him, to go with him … And I said yes, for who can resist his love? (2.3.1874)

The Sun is always shining. If I dare to gaze on it lovingly, I shall receive help, memory and speech.To brave everything with him. (1868)

Those who put their trust in God are strong with God’s own strength, which becomes theirs. (27.4.1881)

All that God requires is co-operation in the present moment, leaving the success up to him, in his own good time. It means living intimately the familiarity of a one to one relationship with God. (12.4.1880)

If we knew the place each one had in the scale of God’s love we would give that person the same place in ours. (Carnet 1866)

God draws me to stretch out my arms to him with trust and tenderness, to go to him as to my beginning, my end, my supreme bliss. (16.9.86)

In Jesus Christ our Lord I have everything. He is my Head and I am truly one of his members. His life which is so holy and so great absorbs mine. (19.11.1879)

Lord, my God, all is well. Everything will always be well as long as it is good in your eyes. But strengthen my weakness. (Sept 1886)

Our Lord treated me like a tender mother who, taking her child in her arms, takes everything away from it so that the little one looks only at her. (1875)

I will not try to avoid my suffering…I will say that it is God who is fashioning me through these thorns. It is my God, he was the first to be crowned with thorns. (12.10.1882)

My soul overflowed with joy at having nothing in the world but God alone. (1874)

To entrust one’s life to God means to entrust to him events and their direction, the secrets of sorrow and joy. (11.5.1881).

It is indeed in and through prayer that an intimate relationship is established and fostered between God and the work of his hands. (1875)

O present moment I want to pour myself wholly into you, for in you I find my God. (1878)

Our Lord makes up for all that is lacking in me…I must turn then constantly with faith towards this source of life which is in me. Allow his life to flow through me… (8.3.1882)

Lord my God, it is you who have accomplished and conducted everything. It is your goodness and almighty power which have provided for everything. (1881)

For all that is still to be done, I thank you, Lord with lively and trusting faith, as if it had already happened. (12.02.1881)

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the treasure of the earth. He is the life-giving pearl of humanity. (12.10.1880)

God is my Sun. My faults do not anger him nor lessen his love. (1868)

To pray is to receive life like overflowing streams. (1875)

May every one of our actions, each of our thoughts be an arrow of love into the heart of our God

God loves me with his infinite power. His love for me is personal, actual, constant; he loves me gratuitously, simply, because his divine heart is vaster than my own. (12.11.1886)

For him, I have all the trust of a child in the arms of a most tender mother. From him, I await everything for myself and for those I love. (1880)

He has set my feet in a spacious place, for he has truly loved me. (1874 cf. psaume 18)

God is ever present to me with ail his love, ail his tenderness, all his power, and I did not know it. (6/3/79)

O my God, deign to enlarge my heart. In your love, may I lay aside all trivial and petty interests, and so reach out to the whole world, in and through Jesus Christ. (1882)

Yes, my God, now I know that you love your unworthy creatures, simply because it pleases you to love them and because they are the work of your hands. (Love and Mercy XII)

In the hands of my God I am like a very small child, untouched by anxiety….Live with God as one of the family, day by day and forever. (15.7.1880)

I am moving on, moving on doing as much as I can for our Sisters and for the children, seeing only this in the present moment and not in the past or in the future. (15.08.1881)

God draws me to stretch out my arms to him with trust and tenderness, to go to him as to my beginning, my end, my supreme bliss. (16.9.1886)

Jesus Christ, came to be our raft of salvation. He strengthens our weakness … he has tasted all our sufferings… he has lavished his love upon us. (6.3.1879)

With humble faith, I gaze upon your infinite goodness. I believe that everything is possible and I count on you for everything, o my God. (14.10.1881)

From all eternity, God has thought of me, with graciousness and love. He thinks of me even now, in the same way. (12.11.1886)

God’s goodness was shown to me like an immense ocean, which brings forth from the depths of its almighty power all living things. (6.3.1879)

God is the source of all knowledge, of all that is good. We are merely the channel which receives a few drops from this divine spring, for ourselves and for others. (6.3.1879)

I know that Jesus Christ loves me. I have known it in the story of my life which his love has never ceased writing in my heart since the day I was born. (12.11.1886)

All that we have to do is to prepare ourselves, in humility and childlike confidence, to receive and to give to others what we have received, holding nothing back. (6.3.1879)

Adore the designs of God without understanding them, certain that if we allow him, he will bring good out of evil for our souls. (8.4.1880)

Our Lord Jesus Christ is pre-eminently my adoration, my thanksgiving, my love, my obedience; in him and through him, his Father is served and loved. (17.03.1881)

The greatest outward actions are nothing in themselves. The soul’s beauty is entirely within, because its beauty is its God living and reigning in it. (20.11.1879)

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